Monday, July 13, 2009

Study Study Study

Crazy day.....but fun:] made me smile today. but started another class which was two hours long of just using the computer which was really slllooow. but oh well at least it ate up some time. Quizzes to study for and ehh so much more. practice knife skills. what a week ahead of me. and.....get to watch Harry Potter: Half Blooded Prince woohoo but only after my spanish workshop on wednesday. can not wait to get my license then this endless torture of being picked up. worry about a ride to school can be finished. pure bliss. but then once i get my license i can finally do all those volunary work so i can get the experience in my side and go places with my resume. so i am going to do as much as i can while i am in school like i did not do in high school. like join more clubs do as much volunary work as possible. yay yay. so believe in me. you will be blessed^_^

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